Saturday, June 20, 2015

Detroit Diaries: wait, I'm going to Detroit?!

Yes, Detroit. Well, more specifically, Hamtramck. Less than 15 minutes from the heart of Detroit, I will be interning with Better Life Bags, a company dedicated to creating a purposeful purchase experience.

This whole opportunity came about a few months ago when BLB advertised needing a few college interns for the summer. My absolute dream job is to do marketing (and other business-related duties) with a company that is about more than making money. I am so passionate about companies like TOMS, Sevenly, Warby Parker, The Root Collective, Elegantees, Sweet Aroma Coffee, Fight the New Drug, My Fight, Undercover Love Apparel, Love Your Melon, I Won't Watch, The Love Alliance, TWLOHA, and MOTHCO...just to name...a bunch.

I am a believer that we can do so much good by switching to products that have a purpose. ((I can give my friend a backpack, and that's cool. Or I could give her a backpack that also provides education to a child in Africa who otherwise wouldn't receive an education, and that's SUPER cool. I'll go with the second one.)) They are not all non-profit or Christian companies. But they are companies that are making a real difference in the lives of people...and that is what attracted me to Better Life Bags.

When I saw the ad for interns on Instagram I thought, "Woah, that would be SO cool if I could work with a company like that. I really want to move to Detroit for the summer?" The more I grappled with it, I decided to apply...and only tell 3 of my friends. Not even my parents. Because come on...what was the likelihood I would actually get it? The application said they would contact me by May 1; I had a few weeks of waiting ahead of me. 

Within those few weeks, other job opportunities were falling through due to my Camino trip and two other weeks of family vacation. I felt silly thinking about applying for jobs that I would only be able to work at for 6-8 weeks. As May 1 approached, I couldn't stop thinking about the BLB internship; I wanted to get it so badly. April 30 came and went, and I checked my email more frequently than I care to admit. I began to doubt that I got the internship, but held out for one last day (due to the encouragement of one of my friends). Business hours came and went on May 1, and I even tried calling my mom twice to explain "I applied for this random internship on a whim...but no worries because I didn't get it! I won't be leaving for a strange city!" She didn't pick up her phone and I didn't leave a voicemail.

BUT THEN, at almost 11pm on May 1, my answer came. I got the internship! I was SO excited and then realized I had to explain this whole crazy story to my parents. Even more, I realized I am moving to Detroit for 6 weeks! All that to say...God has a sense of humor in little details and works in great ways behind the scenes. I am so excited to embark on this adventure and work with a company that has incredible values. 

The most common question I've received when telling people about my internship what is Better Life Bags? Well it just so happens that they just released this video yesterday explaining who BLB is, what they do, and why they are different. Check it out!

Can't get enough? Me either. Click here for their website, where you can design your own bag (so addicting) or check out the "ready to ship" section. 

Tomorrow I will pack up my car and begin my drive out to Detroit. I will be living with the two other interns in an apartment in Hamtramck. We will be working on various projects for BLB, and I am so excited to learn more about the business end of a purposeful business.

((For those of you who want to stay can look for more "Detroit Diaries" posts here on my blog!))

Thanks to everyone who has been incredibly supportive of me through this whole journey! I am truly blessed by you!

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